Relocation is exasperating process and packing becomes tedious task. Home shifting is something where most of the things require particular attention and one of them is dog. Yes, relocation to another place with pet dog or any pet animal could be tiring and stressful task. And the reason is simple – not only do you need to manage packing and moving of household items, but also need to take care of your pet dog as well. So, what all sort of tasks you must consider following when relocating with your pet dog?

In this article, you’re going to learn about crucial do’s and don’ts of home relocation especially when relocating with dog.
Without beating around bush, let’s start this article below.
Do’s to follow when relocating with pet dog
Given are the top tips you need to follow to make shifting pet-friendly. Have a look at the tips below.
✔️ Prepare your pet before home shifting
One of the first dos you need to follow when shifting with pet dog is preparing your dog about the move. We know that relocation with dog is not a casual activity. It is kina challenging task for sure. But you can make it easy going one by giving your dog training about the move. Basically, you need to give pre-relocation training.
✔️ Take care of your dog fitness
Whether you’re moving with your dog or car or any other pet animal, make sure he is healthy and fit to make a movement to a new place. Just put yourself in the shoes of dogs and think in this way – would you move to another place if you fell ill? Of course not, so, how would your dog be able to make home shifting to another place with you?
✔️ Dog kennel must be ventilated
A kennel for your dog is something that you need to take care. When preparing luggage for the trip, make sure that the kennel of your dog is properly ventilated. Your dog needs to take pure and open air to breathe. When carrying kennel of your dog, make sure to label it with dog’s name and ID. Get your pet registered with high-tech microchip. Through microchip, you can get your lost pet again.
✔️ Comfort your dog
Believe it or not, but animals are prone to anxiety when relocation is around the corner. You need to make your dog feel comfortable throughout the relocation. In fact, pre and post relocation also make sure your pet feels comfortable and secure. If possible and get time, just talk to them, have fun, and play with them. Just give them extra attention and love feeding. This will give them relaxation and make your travel calm and comforting. Let me tell you that no packers and movers in delhi will give your pet the comfort as you can provide to them.
Let’s move on further and talk about don’ts of pet relocation below.
Some don’ts of pet relocation
❌ Don’t give solid food to your pets
Avoid giving solid food to your pet before home relocation. It is because after having solid food your pet might fall sick during transition and may do some vomit. Therefore, having an accurate planning of your dog’s meal may work best during relocation.
❌ Don’t mix your pet luggage with yours
When moving your pet dog luggage to another place, make sure to keep their luggage separate from users. Don’t get mixed the luggage of yours and dog otherwise it will create chaos. Items such as medications, food, blanket, poop bags, water bowls, and any other item you want to move, keep everything in a separate moving bag.
❌ Don’t use moving company to move your dog
We know how crucial role a moving company plays in your role when you go through home relocation right. Your pet is a part of your family rather he is your family. So, how can you let unknown people to relocate your dog? You just can’t rely on any moving company to relocate your pet animal. It is always a best idea to take your pet dog under your custody only. We guess this should be the best way to keep your dog secured throughout the relocation.
❌ Don’t let your dog roam around in a new place
Yes, you can’t let your pet dog roam around openly in the new area surrounded your home. You might feel little alienated at new home, new place, so does your pet dog. You want your dog to feel safe and secure at new place right. What you can do is take them for stalking with you, explore the new place and area with your dog. This is how you as well as your dog will get acquainted with the new place.
Final wordings
Home Relocation is itself very daunting process but it becomes quite stressful when you have pet animal to relocate with. Agree? Well not you no need to worry as you have read what all do’s and don’ts you need to follow when with pet dog. So, what are you waiting for? Just do as mentioned in this article and make your home relocation a peaceful and fun-going task for your pet.
Wish you happy and safe relocation!
If you got any query or question to ask, we’re here just get in touch with us right away.